A six foot two, Shadow was afraid he would be too tall to be accepted in the Army. The year was 1966. Shadow wanted to leave his home an explore the world outside if Indianapolis Indiana. He saw his only escape was to join the Army.
After basic Shadow was sent to Vietnam. When he was assigned to a recon unit. He was known for his stealth abilities. It wasn’t long before Shadow was promoted to sergeant and given a squad to lead.
Four months later his lieutenant gave an order. Shadow objected. He believed by following the lieutenant’s orders the whole squad would be killed. When they got back to base Shadow was busted to private and assigned to a joint recon unit further north.
It was while with that squad he was wounded several times. His last wound was serious enough they sent him to the Army hospital in Honolulu Hawaii. While at the hospital Shadow would just lay in his bed staring at the ceiling.
When he recovered from his physical wounds. The army doctors were afraid he would snap if he was sent back to the action. He was given a purple heart and honorable discharge.
Shadow arrived back in his hometown. In less than a month before he moved into a nice little one-bedroom apartment. A short time later Mary his high school sweetheart joined him. Mary was a short thin blonde The top of Mary’s head verily came up to Shadow’s shoulders. You could tell she loved Shadow from the look in her eyes.
Mary was moving the last of her stuff from her folk’s place. She sat the last box their bed. She turned around. Shadow was standing there staring. Tears were starting to form in his eyes. Mary threw her arms around Shadow’s neck. Clinging tightly she whispered into his ear, “I am so happy we are finally together”.
Shadow was frozen. Every muscle in his body was stiff as a board. The look of fear overtook Shadow’s face. His eyes were fixed on a spot out the window. Mary pulled down a couple of times. Shadow stayed stiff not saying a word. She pulled on his neck a third time. There was no response from Shadow.
Mary looked up and started to cry. Her lips trembling, she said, “What is wrong?”
Shadow looked down at her and lifted his shoulders ever so slightly. She released her hold around his neck. Then her tiny thin frame fell on the bed.
A few minutes later, Shadow went back to his normal self. Shadow sat down next to his Mary, and ask, “Are you hungry?”
She nodded. Mary nodded as she wipes the tears from her cheek. Then looked into Shadows eyes. “Can we get some pizza?”
Shadow responded with a nod of his head. Getting up from the bed Shadow walked to the door, then out of the apartment, and down the stairs. Shadow got on his Harley and drove off.
Shadow headed west toward the setting sun. Not really knowing why or where he was going. The only time would stop was to put more gas in his Harley.
Two days later Shadow found himself standing on a beach in just south of San Francisco. He was staring out over the Pacific Ocean. A tear rolled down his left cheek.
Years have passed, Shadow never left that area south of San Francisco. He tried getting help at the VA hospital. Shadow said he wanted to have a house with a family. Then he sought out help through a church group. He had a couple of starts only to walk out to live on the streets. He wanted love, but when it came, he would push it away or run away.
The last I saw of Shadow he was sitting on the beach staring off over the waves. I guess it was the only place where Shadow ever felt any peace.
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