Besieged by a steady stream of customers the lone barista welcomes the second hour. She is greeted by a young red headed lady to help her. A paused in the stream of customers. A second round of cheerful folks start arriving. At the third hour two more baristas arrive. They are helping with the more complex orders.
Why are the patrons walking in with a smile on their face and spring in their step? Definitely not affected by the shorter daylight hours and cooler weather. I would of have expected a line of zombies in need of caffeine desiring the transformation to living humans.
My prejudicial view of this Friday at my favorite coffee shop attendees has been shattered. Could it be the coming weekend activities? Could it be a good night’s rest with pleasant dreams of desired reality? Either way, their uplifted spirits affect my mood on the day.
I feel the upturn corners of my mouth. The chores of this Friday will be easier. I will be getting more accomplished.
A white-haired lady walks up to me. “What are you writing?”
“What I see.”
“I try to describe what I see here. It gives inspiration when I come here. Do you write?”
“I write. It is mostly in a journal.” She shows me a well-used spiral notebook.
“Have you published anything?”
“My sister and daughter are the only ones who see my writings.”
“You might want to check out the writing guild to help you grow as a writer.”
I proceed to share with her the Idaho Writers Guild website and Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild as two great resources for her. Afterwards she got her coffee and went to her table and wrote.
Hits: 702