Monday morning motivation requires a jolt of coffee from the local coffee shop. I like sitting in the coffee shop observing the interaction between staff and customers, while the caffeine kicks in.
This one Monday morning Elizabeth, Liz as she likes to be called, shows Ann, the new girl, on how fix a latte for a particular customer. Liz graduated from the same high school five years before Ann. Frank, the manager, left the two girls to serve customers while he ran some errands.
In walks this large hairy foreboding figure. It had to bend down slightly to get through the coffee shop’s door. Everyone in the coffee shop stopped what they were doing. A quick look, then downward staring into their coffee cups.
The creature looks around the room. He then walks up to the counter.
“Can I help you?” Liz says. Her eyes lock on a wall of hair. Her eyes travel upward to his eyes.
“Coffee. I need coffee,” say the tall figure.
“Wh… Wh… What ki… ki… kind of coffee?”
“Strong black.”
“Large or medium?” Came Ann’s voice from behind Liz.
“Large, and hurry!”
Liz turned to Ann. “I’ll take care of him.” She said in a whisper, “Go in the back and call 911.”
“What shall I tell them?”
“Just tell them we are being robbed by a Wookie.”
“He just wants some coffee.”
“Just do what I say. Go!”
Liz sets a large cup of steaming coffee in front of the big guy. “That will be $4.97, sir.”
The big guy tries to reach for his pockets. He has none. In moment of contemplation the big guy puts his hands on both sides of his head and pushes up.
The smiling head of Frank the manager gets revealed. “Can you put it on my tab?”
Sounds of chuckling fill the coffee shop.
Liz takes the cup of coffee and throws it at the creature’s chest. “That is not funny! Frank, you scared the shit out of me.”
The whole front of the big hairy costume now drips with hot coffee.
Ann sticks her head out of the office. “I knew it. I knew it. I was at the Comic Con on Saturday. I saw this Wookie there.”
Liz looked back at Ann. “You should of have said something?”
“I wanted to see what you would do.”
“Liz, you did better than I thought you would do. Enough fun and games.” Frank started walking toward the back office. “Ann, I need you to help me get out of this costume.”
The next day the local newspaper’s headline read. “Wookie Visit Local Coffee Shop.” That Monday happened to be a slow news day.
Hits: 352