A seven feet by three feet of grey cotton moves down the sidewalk at a slow pace. Closer examination reveals that is a large dark grey pillar of dense water vapor.
Wait, wait, wait under the cloud I see two black oxford shoes with black socks raising above them. The left foot slides in front of the right foot. Once planted the left foot is planted the right foot slides forward to where it is in front of the left. This process is repeated moving the cloud above the two shoes.
From across the street, I observe this cloud as it moves. I wonder what direction it is going to take when it reaches the corner. My analytical mind surfaces with questions.
- Will it stop until the crosswalk sign changes to walk or will that dark cloud turn to go around the corner?
- What is inside that cloud?
- What is holding this dark dense vapor it’s shape?
- Why does the cloud move by the shoes below?
As I observe the cloud, I notice there are other people walking on that side of the street and mine. They are all going about their business. It is like they don’t see the dark cloud slowly moving.
Something rises in my breast. My heart is beating faster. I am feeling a pain inside. It is not a heart attack. I am becoming compelled to move toward the cloud and investigate why such an anomaly is moving along the sidewalk.
I step to the edge of my sidewalk on my side of the street. Looking to my left and my right. I determine that I can cross the street without getting hit by a passing vehicle. I pause. I look again. Then I ran across the street.
Safely making it across, I find myself behind that cloud. I stand wondering what I am going to do. Am I going to speak to the cloud? Do I get in front of it and see if it moves around me?
I decide to be bold. I reached out my hand. My hand entered the cloud. I felt something solid. It felt kinda round. I curved my hand and rested on the unknown solid that I felt.
Poof, like magic. That dark grey cloud disappeared. I found my hand on the shoulder of a middle-aged man. He was wearing business casual clothes.
He turned and looked at me. I stepped back fearing what he might say or do.
He arms stretched. He moved to hug me. I found myself locked with his embrace.
“Thank you ever so much. I needed help to break from that cloud of gloom. All I could think about was impending doom.”
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