My Life in a State of Flux
Life and reality is in a constant flux. My life is no different. My mother arrived at the Reno Nevada bus depot from Arkansas. My father met her there from a little sawmill town in northern California. From the Greyhound Bus depot they went to the Justice of the Peace and got married. Nine months later I was born. Seven years later my brother was born.
My dad worked in different sawmills while my mother stayed at home to raise my brother and myself. Sunday School and church filled our Sunday mornings. Thanksgiving and Christmas sit down dinners were not tradition. Mom and dad did their best to instilling in us a family tradition.
I was the rebellious one. At sixteen I started hitchhiking around northern California. I tried to settle down at nineteen. Inside I had the wondering spirit. Most of my adult life, I worked as a journeyman in various trades, from refrigeration tech, electrician, plumber, to computer tech.
Like my professional life, my personal life was constantly in flux. I went through four marriages. Having three children, in each marriage, I tried to settle down. It wasn’t until my fourth did I succeed.
When my fourth wife (Norma) had her stroke, I was devastated. The one person I really relied upon was bound to a wheelchair and in need of 24/7 care. Our daughter helped me get through the rough time while I helped her get through college.
My life is still in a state of flux. I find my sanity and sense of belonging is fulfilled through my writings. My hope and prayer is to have my writings help entertain, inform, and inspire those who read the words.
-EF Cussins
You can reach me at EF at EFCussins Dot Com or 2083406820.
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